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Attendance Policy


Absences are considered excessive if they go above ten percent of the days enrolled at any point during one school year. When it is necessary that a pupil be absent, please notify the school by filling out the "Report an Absence Form", PHONE or WRITTEN NOTE.  If a phone call has not been made to the school, the child MUST HAVE A WRITTEN NOTE THE DAY HE/SHE RETURNS TO SCHOOL. The note must include the child's name, teacher's name, date of absence, and the reason. The State of California now uses "positive attendance", which means that schools are only funded based on the days a child actually attends school regardless of the reason, unless they are on an Independent Study contract.  We have Independent Study contracts available and ask that you please request them in advance for unavoidable absences of 5 days or longer.  Please schedule doctor and dentist appointments in non-school hours as much as possible. Excessive absences (above 10% of the days enrolled in a school year) are reported to the School Attendance Review Team and parents are contacted to sign an attendance contract.  Further absences may result in a referral to the District Attendance Review Board.  

Tardies: A student is tardy if he/she enters the line-up or classroom after 8:00 a.m. Students arriving after 8:00 am must check-in at the front office prior to going to class.  Tardies disrupt the student's learning process. They also disrupt the learning of other children because the teacher has to stop teaching in order to provide for the late student.  Shull School policy is for a child who has three tardies within a week to serve recess detention.  Three tardies of over 30 minutes constitute truancy.  One tardy a trimester may be excused by the parent arranging to work in the classroom or computer lab for one hour.  This helps eliminate having students lose awards when there are troubles with transportation etc.

Visitor Passes:  We have many visitors on our school grounds each day, including parents, volunteers, and others.  Every visitor to Shull School must sign in and get a visitor badge from the office before going on the school grounds or to the classrooms.  Every visitor must present and have their California ID ran through the Raptor system prior to the initial visit.  On subsequent visits they must be prepared to show their identification as well.  This helps to keep our campus safe!

Emergency Information:  Each year, enrollment and health cards must be updated.  We also need to be notified of changes throughout the school year in reference to your home address, job, or telephone numbers. Make sure the school is provided with a copy of any court orders so that we can help keep your child safe.

Medication at School: California law requires that any medication that needs to be taken by a child at school must be brought to school by an adult and accompanied by a medical release statement signed by the doctor.  This includes all prescriptions, and any over-the-counter medicine such as: aspirin, cough drops, or any other medications.

Special Health Problems:  If your child has any special health problems we should know about, please inform your child's teacher and the health clerk.  Send two notes if the illness impacts participation in P.E. - one for the PE teacher and one for the health clerk.  

Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, Roller Blades, Shoes w/ Wheels etc.:
Scooters, skateboards, roller blades and shoes w/ skates do not belong at school.  
Third grade and older students may ride bicycles to school and we have a place provided for parking them.  ALL BICYCLES SHOULD BE LOCKED WHILE AT SCHOOL. STUDENTS RIDING BICYCLES ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR HELMETS.  For their safety, students younger than 3rd grade are not allowed to ride bicycles to school.