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Student Awards

Student Awards

Student Awards

Shull School has many opportunities for students to be recognized for their hard work and positive efforts.  The Awards below are used for grades 1-5. Kindergarten does separate recognition programs.

PERFECT ATTENDANCE:  Students with perfect attendance will be recognized by the principal after the end of each month in their classrooms and awarded extra recess. Perfect Attendance is awarded when a student has no absences, no unexcused tardies, no unexcused early outs and no late pick up. Perfect attendance for the year – August through June- occurs when a student has had no absences, tardies, or early outs of any kind.  

ALL STAR ACADEMIC AWARD:  At the Trimester Award Ceremonies, one student per class will be recognized for each month in the trimester.  These students will be recognized with a certificate and a prize. Teachers may select the awards winner for performance in reading, language arts, math, science, social science, or for any other project assigned by teachers to their students.  

PERSONAL SUCCESS AWARDS: Up to three students from each class (grades 1-5) will receive these awards at the end of each trimester at a student awards program.  Students will be recognized for extra efforts or improvements in academics or behavior/citizenship.

“WE CARE FOR CHARACTER” AWARDS – grades 1-3: These awards will be given to students from each class who have done an excellent job in the character areas represented in the months of each trimester: RESPONSIBILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS, WORK ETHIC, CITIZENSHIP, SELFLESSNESS, FAIRNESS, CARING, ATTITUDE, RESPECT, and SELF-CONTROL. One student will be selected for each Character Area.  Students must have only 3 or fewer pyramid pieces pulled during any trimester. Not bringing in homework or not meeting an AR goal does constitute losing a pyramid piece for responsibility. Similarly, detentions for behavior do constitute losing a pyramid piece. These awards will be handed out at the end of each trimester at the Trimester Award Ceremony.  Students wear Character colors on Thursday.

Wednesday Flag Salute ACTS of KINDNESS:  every Wednesday at flag salute the principal will select 3 or 4 students to visit the prize box because their teachers have entered their names because of excellence in a because of Acts of Kindness.
AR AWARDS:   Students earning levels (independent, super, etc.)  in AR are given different leveled prizes and students reaching their reading goals each trimester attend grade level AR parties.  Students may participate in the Reading MASTERS Program. They will read books in a series and pass quizzes with an average of 90% correct. Students will be recognized in their classrooms with a certificate and a button.  

AR READING MACHINES:  Students that greatly exceed grade level point goals during the school year will be awarded an AR READING MACHINE at a trimester assembly.  The point thresholds are as follows: 1st grade - 100 points, 2nd grade - 200 points, 3rd grade - 300 points, 4th grade - 400 points, 5th grade - 500 points.  

COLLEGE DIPLOMAS: (grades 1-5) Each class will have a University and are encouraged to wear that University’s colors on Wednesdays.  Classes will work to earn degrees such as a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s degree by reading a certain number of words through the AR program. Kindergarten will have a separate set of goals.

HONOR ROLL: Upper grade students will be recognized three times a year.  Fourth and fifth grade students make Honor Roll as follows: Students must achieve all A’s and B’s in all the major subject areas, and may get one C in a minor area (P.E., Music, Band, Art, etc.).  If a student earns a C in a minor area, it must be offset by an A in another subject area. Students must also not have any N’s or U’s in work or social habits.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Upper grade students will be recognized each trimester if they have completed 40 Acts of Community or Family Service.  Those students who complete 120 Acts by the end of the year will receive additional recognition.

PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS: Exceptional 5th grade students also have the opportunity to receive at year’s end the Presidential Academic Award.  Students receive Gold for making Honor Roll all 6 trimesters of 4th and 5th grades with at least 4 times being straight “A” Honor Roll and achieving end of year 5th grade STAR Reading Scores at or above 7.5 and STAR math scores at or above 8.0.  Alternatively, students receive Silver for making “A” or “A/B” honor roll all 6 trimesters and achieving end of 5th grade STAR Reading Scores from 5.8 to 7.5 and STAR math scores at least in the range of 5.8 to 8.0.

COMMUNITY AND FAMILY SERVICE:  Students are awarded for doing 40 acts of community or family service each trimester.  Additionally students who have been awarded all three trimester earn a bowling party at the end of the year.  Click here for Community Service Log Form.

            15 minutes of the following activities equal a community service

  • Helping 1st graders play at recess
  • Tutoring students in lower grade classes
  • Tutoring within your own class if asked by a teacher
  • Helping in the library or computer lab 
  • Helping tutor after school
  • Morning drop off duty (w/signed permission slip)
  • Escorting kindergarteners to the bus
  • One week of cone duty
  • Gardening, watering, weeding, sweeping, dusting
  • Extended trash pickup (not as a consequence)
  • Service work created by student council
  • Visiting convalescent home residents, helping senior citizens
  • Helping neighbors with chores
  • Recycling at home
  • Reading to younger brothers/sisters/ family members
  • Translating for parents, teachers, siblings