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Family Resources

Welcome to our family portal, your central hub for essential applications and information.

Welcome to our family portal, your central hub for essential applications and information.



At Shull School we believe that technology and its use are vital to our students' educational experience.  Every classroom uses computers and our students utilize the computer lab regularly.   Because students have access to the Internet for school projects, it is required by Bonita Unified School District that students inter a contract for the proper access and use of such information.  The District's Central Computer Services maintains a "Firewall" as a device to prevent students from accessing improper information.  But, as you know, students can be uncanny in their creativity in getting around rules and figuring out computer accesses.  Violating any of the terms of the contract will forfeit a student's privilege of using school computers.  A new contract will have to be signed each year.  The contract will be sent home to you and must be signed by parents before the students will be allowed it to use the Internet.


Shull Sharks Are Oceans Above The Rest

Student Resources

Student Resources



Student Responsibilities:

As users of district-owned Chromebooks, students should understand that there is no expectation of confidentiality or privacy regarding any usage on these devices, whether for school-related or personal purposes, except as specifically provided by law.  The school reserves the right to log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record the use of student Chromebooks at any time and for any reason related to the operation of the school, without prior notice or consent.
This policy is implemented to ensure the safety, security, and appropriate use of technology resources within the educational environment.  By utilizing district-owned Chromebooks, students agree to comply with these monitoring measures and understand that their activities on these devices may be subject to scrutiny by school authorities.
Students are encouraged to use district-owned Chromebooks responsibly and in accordance with established guidelines and policies.  Any misuse or violation of these policies may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to the restriction or revocation of Chromebook privileges.  Ultimately, the goal of this policy is to maintain a safe and productive learning environment while fostering responsible digital citizenship among students.

Chromebook Exchange:

Chromebook exchanges are done at your school site(s) during school hours in the Media Center.  Complete a Chromebook Exchange ticket in the Media Center.  The media clerk will conduct a quick checkup of your device before processing the exchange.  If there are any issues, it will be noted in the exchange slip.  Fee(s) will be sent home.