School Information
School Dress Policy - Dress For Success
State Law explains that, “Many educators believe that school dress significantly influences pupil behavior. This influence is evident on school dress-up days and color days. Schools that have adopted school uniforms experience a ‘coming together feeling,’ greater school pride, and better behavior in and out of the classroom.” While Shull is no longer a uniform school, for many years, the Shull School community of parents and staff has agreed that a Dress For Success policy, is desirable to maintain consistency in the dress code and to promote attention to academics.
We encourage students to be dressed in attire that reflects their readiness to learn. As such we prefer clothing, including jackets and sweatshirts, be logo, emblem, slogan, and word free. Logos, emblems, and slogans distract from the academic environment and the consistency of “Dress For Success.”
On Wednesdays, students are encouraged to dress in Classroom College Colors and on Thursdays in the Character Color of the month.
Not Allowed: Holes in clothing including rips and frays, spaghetti strap tops, temporary tattoos, face paint, hair sprayed by coloring that would drip when wet, clothing related to gangs, violence, or illegal activities, shorts, skirts that are too short (mid thigh or at least 3 inches down the thigh), obscene, sexually explicit, suggestive attire, professional sports attire, hats, gloves, hairnets, chains, discriminatory clothing or accessories, oversized (baggy) clothing, clothing that reveals underclothes, clothing and jewelry with spikes or harmful accessories, clothing with skulls, weapons, drugs, blood, or violence.BUSD STUDENT DRESS CODE: The following Bonita Unified School District guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:-
Shoes must be worn at all times. Thongs, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable.
Clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likenesses, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice.
Hats, caps and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors.
Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fishnet fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.
Gym shorts may not be worn in classes other than physical education.
Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports and/or classes.Grooming Policy: Research has shown a direct correlation between student's attire, appearance, and their school behavior, attitude, and achievement. With this in mind, the School Site Council has developed the following guidelines.-
Hair and fingernails should be clean and well-trimmed.
Cosmetic make-up is not allowed.
Fads in hairstyles designed to attract attention to the individual or to disrupt the orderly conduct of the classroom or campus is not permitted. The children’s hair can’t be dyed an unnatural hair color, shaved in a non-traditional pattern, worn in spikes, mohawks, or designed in other “punk” styles. Short faux hawks or sculpted bang waves are fine if they are no longer than 1 inch in height.
Hair must be cut to not be worn in front of the student’s eyes.
Earrings worn must be posts and not dangle as this is a safety hazard during playtime. Students may not have other body-piercing jewelry.
All jewelry or belts should be worn with safety in mind: no sharp points or large designs.
Homework Policy
Administrative regulations:
The Governing Board recognizes that meaningful homework assignments can be a valuable extension of student learning time and assist students in developing good study habits. Homework shall be assigned when necessary to support classroom lessons, enable students to complete unfinished assignments, or review and apply academic content for better understanding. The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with school administrators and teachers to develop and regularly review guidelines for the assignment of homework and the related responsibilities of students, staff, and parents/guardians.
Homework assignments shall be reasonable in length and appropriate to the grade level and course. The Board expects that the number, frequency, and degree of difficulty of homework assignments will increase with the grade level and the maturity of students. Teachers shall assign homework only as necessary to fulfill academic goals and reinforce current instruction.
(cf. 6011 - Academic Standards)
Age-appropriate instruction may be given to help students allocate their time wisely, meet their deadlines, and develop good personal study habits. At the beginning of the school year, teachers shall communicate homework expectations to students and their parents/guardians.
Although it is the student's responsibility to complete assignments independently, parents/guardians may serve as a resource and are encouraged to ensure that their child's homework assignments are completed. When a student repeatedly fails to complete his/her homework, the teacher shall notify the student's parents/guardians as soon as possible so that corrective action can be taken prior to the release of any final grades or report cards.
(cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities)
(cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement)
Makeup Work
Students who miss school work shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time.
Shull School Policy: Assigned homework is to be clear and relevant to ongoing class studies and provides needed practice, remediation or enrichment. It is to be a factor in assessment and grading.
The total amount of homework, NOT including independent reading (as outlined below) is based on the following recommended guidelines:
Kindergarten should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of ten (10) minutes each night to complete.
First grade students should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes each night to complete.
Second grade students should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of twenty (20) minutes each night to complete.
Third grade students should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of thirty (30) minutes each night to complete.
Fourth grade students should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of forty (40) minutes each night to complete.
Fifth grade students should be assigned homework no more than four times per week, requiring an average time of Fifty (50) minutes each night to complete.
In addition to regular homework, students are expected to read outside of school daily. Students are to be given the opportunity to self-select reading materials at their independent reading levels. Below are suggested guidelines for accomplishing this goal.
For grades K-3, 80-120 minutes per week.
For grades 4-5, 120-150 minutes per weekLEARNING READINESS
You can assist your child’s learning progress by following a few simple processes:
See to it that your child gets a good night’s rest on school nights.
The following are the current recommended sleep guidelines as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation:
Age | Recommended | May Be Appropriate | Not Recommended |
Preschoolers (3-5 years) | 10 to 13 hours |
8 to 9 hours
14 hours
Less than 8 hours
More than 14 hours
School-aged Children (6-13 years) | 9 to 11 hours |
7 to 8 hours
12 hours
Less than 7 hours
More than 12 hours
Limit the amount of total screen time, including television and/or video game play. Especially limit that which includes violence.
Read with your child every week night and on weekends.
Provide a variety of reading material.
Be sure your child eats a good breakfast before coming to school.
Provide an appropriate place to study away from distractions and TV.

The Shull Library is the most open library in the Bonita Unified School District. Students are allowed much time to exchange books. Shull School staff strongly supports the Accelerated Reading Program. Our students score the highest of the schools in San Dimas, scoring at or above 85% correct on Accelerated Reading Quizzes.
The Shull Library is open 34 weeks out of the year including Thursday evenings from 5-7 p.m. This allows our parents and students access during the evening to select books as a family. The computer lab is also open on Thursday evenings allowing students to take AR quizzes as well.
Library Policy:
If a library book or textbook is lost or damaged, a bill will be issued for replacement. Students will not be allowed to check out books again until payment is made. Visiting the library and borrowing books teaches responsibility, as well as being fun and educational.
Dr. Seuss contest:
Each year the librarian organizes a Dr. Seuss Trivia contest. The three 5th grade classes choose teams to compete. The students study biographical information about Dr. Seuss and compete to see which team is the most knowledgable. This contest is always done near the date for Read Across America.

Shull's Behavior Expectations
Follow adult directions and stay within boundaries.
Keep hands, feet and objects to self.
Speak kindly and discourage name calling, profanity, and teasing.
Use playground equipment appropriately.
Play safely and do not fight (including play fighting and rough-housing), bully, kick or threaten.
Do not enter any classroom if a teacher is not present.
Use your words to prevent problems.
Follow established playground game rules.
Have many Shull friends, no “boyfriends/girlfriends” allowed.
Having dangerous objects or look-alikes is against the rules.
Do not throw rocks, grass, sticks, pebbles or other items other than playground balls.
Leave leaves and branches on trees
Leave cell phones, toys, cd players, or gaming technology at home. Cell phones and smart watches may be brought to school at a parent’s direction for safety reasons, but must be kept zipped up in the student’s backpack at all times. Adults should not see such devices at any time. In addition, the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen cell phone, as the strong recommendation is for them to stay at home.
Walk in the hallways and on the blacktop.
Observe door opening safety circles.
Do not play in the restrooms - “three in,” at any one time, maximum.
Use indoor voices and appropriate table manners in the cafeteria.
Be role models to younger students showing them correct manners and behavior.
Provide school leadership through student council and participation in school events.
Follow the direction of all adults and be polite to all members of the Shull Community.
Pre-arrange helping in a primary classroom (do not knock on doors).
Model good sportsmanship.